Product Detail
Enterprise Brochure Builder Account
Make your brochures searchable on your corporate or single-property website with a Metropole360 Search for Available Space Module. Metropole360 will design and build an add-on-module to your Brochure Builder account which can seamlessly be integrated into the look and feel your corporate or single-property website. Your clients/site visitors will be able to define their search creteria using a series of 2-4 drop down boxes selected from a group of 20 predetermined fields. Once the client/site visitor submits their search request, the search results will be displayed as a thumbnail image and text for each listing or as a text table. Each search result will be a link to the full-featured, interactive Brochure(s) created in the Account which meets the search criteria. 50 Brochures and 12 months of hosting are included. After the first year the software license is billed monthly at a rate of $250 for every 100 Brochures.
